Chester by Melanie Watt
Chester is one of my favourite picturebooks for read alouds with children. It’s an excellent choice for engaging children, igniting reading enjoyment, and highly useful as a literacy resource for teaching writing. If you have not read this picturebook, I highly encourage you to check it out ~ no seriously, RUN to your tablet or phone and order it today. Or visit your local e-Library and read it online! You won’t be disappointed.
Cheeky Chester
It begins as a simple story about a mouse in a house. Until the impetuous cat Chester finds a red marker and adds his own egocentric ideas through rewrites and illustration changes. How does it end? Will Melanie regain control of her story?

Character Voice
Visually, the children see the red text and know Chester is the writer, it’s his voice. His cheeky, brash voice and actions are what draws children in. They identify with Chester. Conversely, when the children see the black text, they immediately know it’s Melanie… the voice of reason. As a literacy resource, Chester exposes children to several literacy skills such as; vocabulary, listening and speaking, comprehension, visual literacy, critical literacy, and more.

About the Author
Melanie Watt is a Canadian author and illustrator of several children’s books including the Scaredy Squirrel series which is also among my favourites. The first book in the Scaredy Squirrel series contains a surprise that always stirs up excitement as the children don’t actually see it coming (you should just order this book as well).

Tell you what happens? Oh no, I don’t want to spoil it for you.
Her detailed illustrations add to the enjoyment of the story and keep the reader engaged, coming back again and again. Children are always finding, looking for new details and making connections back to the text. When left to explore on their own – I have observed them turning the pages forward and back while pointing and discussing their new discoveries with each other.
Student Engagement
I will read Chester with the children several times before adding it to the student library. Then I stand back and out of the way of the stampede. They run to it, pair up and take turns being the voice of Chester and Melanie. I purchased additional copies to ensure there were enough to satisfy the mob. At the kindergarten age many students will retell the story by memory and through reading the illustrations. However, by mid-year, I always have a few that can read the story. They sit shoulder to shoulder and read together, bringing the characters of Chester and Melanie to life. It is a magical moment for everyone.
Literacy Resource
This picturebook is more than a teacher read aloud. It is a useful literacy resource for teaching voice, word choice, organization, conventions, presentation, and will spark creativity and imagination for any grade.
Do you teach older grades; do you want to get their attention? Yes, even secondary students will fall in love with Chester. They understand ‘cheeky’. Wake them up, engage them with a high quality picturebook.

One of my favourite illustrations.
This article is a recommendation based on my years of classroom experience. It is a valuable literacy resource that had a positive impact on students and reading engagement. The stern voice of Melanie and the cheeky Chester brought to life by kindergarten children – reading no less, it’s heart warming and hilarious. What’s not to love?
Happy reading!